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The gm 10l80 and 10l90 was released in 2018 in multiple different vehicles, namely the 2018 corvette received the 10l90 and the camaro, silverado and others received the 10l80.


One major difference between the 10r80 and the 10l80 is the tailshaft, thankfully gm decided to stick with a slip yoke in multiple vehicles (specifically the silverado and escalade) which makes this a dead simple swap opportunity. Looks like Gm wins again in the swappability category. 

Gm also upped there game with the transmission filter, currently the 10l80 and 10l90 come with two different filters, however the 10l90 filter comes with a bi-metalic fluid diverter and two different filter micron ratings. When the fluid is cold the bi-metal opens both sides of the filter allowing fluid to be drawn through the higher micron rating side allowing for better cold start characteristics, once warm the bi-metal expands and blocks off fluid suction from one side, causing fluid to only be drawn through the lower micron rated filter.


 This is excelllent as it means you get better fluid filtration at all times, while it does increase the cost of the filter slightly this is a much welcome addition.